A Love Letter To My Style Darlings!

Dear Style Darling Friends,

I am writing to share what’s been going on in my life this winter (despite the summer-ish looking picture to the right!), which is why I’ve been absent from the blogosphere. I am midway through my studies in an intense academic program, where I’ll be earning my Master’s Degree in 2-3 more semesters in Writing & Literature. My two loves in life are writing & fashion, while I get to live the fashion part everyday by exploring my own wardrobe & finding stylish bargains on the clearance racks, writing has become priority number one. I always sought to make WordPress my central blog location, but given the constraints of other responsibilities (two jobs & school), I’ve shared my favorite fashion stories & moments through other social media outlets that are more Smart phone friendly since I’m often on the go. I’d like to direct all of you to follow my Twitter (@MissAlissaL) Instagram (MissAlissaL), Pinterest, & Facebook in the mean time, until I am better able to manage my time on WordPress for those who are generous enough to share their interest in fashion & style with me. Not to mention that I’m currently without the means to adequately use my beginner level graphic design skills in order to better serve the image-heavy posts that I usually present.

Style Darling started out as a hobby blog since I loved sharing my fashion interest with friends, & then it turned into a passion project which blends my two loves. I am proud to say that this venture reaches more & more people on a regular basis, 1200+ followers. However, as I embark on this very important academic journey (which I hope will result in a memoir), supporting myself with two time-consuming jobs, & making the best of my situation both personally & professionally, I ask for your continued support. Style Darling is no longer dormant.

Additionally, I would like to take this opportunity to reach out to my fellow bloggers & readers that if you know anyone interested, or you yourself are a style blogger, I am currently accepting inquiries regarding guest posts, relating to fashion news or shopping tips in any capacity. Please contact me at StyleDarlingEmail@gmail.com for more information & we can bounce some ideas around to spread the word of style even further! Happy Styling my loves!
